Hidden Curriculum and a New Year

2020 Note - This entry was imported from my old blog, some of the links may not be active.

Street of gold - captured on a walk

I'm enjoying a very short break before the next semester begins.  This past one was hard - perhaps the hardest one ever.  The tricky thing about grad school is the hidden curriculum.  That is the stuff that will get you.  It exists mostly in your head.  There is the crushing feeling of doubt, guilt and fear. Head Games.  Ugh!

In a related note - I found this wonderful article the other day: 

Learning to Deal with the Impostor Syndrome


I learned a lot this semester and in many ways I found myself again.  I reasserted what was important.  I made space for what I found to be true.  Perhaps the most important thing is I made time for myself.  In April, I began to walk and commit to making eating changes.  I feel great.  Everything is getting easier, I have more energy and I can climb behind looms without scooting them around.  I had to remember this semester that I needed time to walk - the physical exercise time and the aloneness time are some key to my happiness.

My husband and I learned to make time for each other as well.  We finally committed to making time to write as well.  We picked up a book of writing prompts and are slowly working our way through short exercises.  It has been a lot of fun.  We sit down for 20-30 minutes of dedicated writing time then we trade computers and read.  Sometimes we learn something new about each other and sometimes we just have to encourage each other to keep pushing.

Distance - handmade paper (abaca)

I've also gotten back to reading a lot this year.  Audiobooks pass the time on my long drive to and from school and on my walks.  The highlights this year have been Elizabeth Gilbert's Big Magic and the writings and lectures of Brené Brown.

In year's past I've made a list of intentions for the coming year.  My list this time around is short -

Keep up everything I've learned this past year.

See more live music - It always makes me feel better & clears head space. 

Travel - I'm longing to get back to New Mexico again.

Happy New Year!  I hope this next year is an intentional one for you.  Be curious and go make something.

Rep Weave Sample - hand dyed cotton 

Taking Risks

2020 Note - This entry was imported from my old blog, some of the links may not be active.

I'm recovering from six weeks of boot camp (grad school) and a full weekend of events associated with Innovations in Textiles

.  Innovations cooperative of galleries and organization to exhibit the finest in textile art occurring in our area.  Saturday was the bus tour and reception at Art St. Louis for Fiber Focus and Sunday was my birthday.  Monday is a blur and I did not get much done in the studio.

Saturday brought many unexpected surprises.  I met a new member to my statewide organization and really enjoyed chatting with her.  During the day she shared a podcast that she likes to listen to and I've been binging listening to back episode ever since.  How have I not heard of The Jealous Curator blog and podcast before? You're welcome!  It has been making my walks and drive times stimulating and entertaining.

Saturday night at the opening of Fiber Focus, I was stunned to be the awarded the Weavers' Guild of St. Louis Award for Excellence in Woven Tapestry given in memory of Helen Wenzel by juror Marci Rae McDade, editor of the Surface Design Journal.  I entered two pieces with the only true intention to get my work in front of Marci.  My two pieces were accepted and to win an award just feel surreal.


Tapestry mounted on grey canvas 

Hand dyed cotton 

14" x 16"

I'm so glad that I took a risk and entered the show.  I met Jaime Sawka and Catherine Reinhart at the opening and they were both lovely to chat with and to talk about work.  The weekend of gallery hopes was exhausting, but I came away with so many ideas.  I have a lot of work to do.

Magic in the High Desert

2020 Note - This entry was imported from my old blog, some of the links may not be active.

Museum Hill Sculpture

It started out as a joke.  A friend of mine mentioned a trip to Santa Fe and a tour to explore Pueblo Indian Art and I joked that if she wanted a chaperone to let me know.  She needed a roommate and promised to send the information along.  The next morning I found the tour information in my email and glanced at it before heading out for school.  On my long drive, the trip began to spill out into my thoughts.  I thought about it all day off an on.

Summer Monsoon Clouds

Later that day my professor took us over to the school's museum collection.  As we stood in the large warehouse I found myself looking at Pueblo pottery.  Rows and rows of pottery including the black on black designs so distinctive of the Santo Ildefonso Pueblo. It was there that I understood that I had to go.

Returning from this trip has been very hard.  Santa Fe is a beautiful place.  New Mexico flirts with the creative soul.  The food is incredible.  There were textiles, patterns and art everywhere.  I filled my camera with references to add to my sketch book

Sometimes there are places that get under your skin.  You feel instantly at home.  I felt home there.  It doesn't surprise me that I felt that way.  My mom lived in Northern Arizona and I spent a lot of my growing up years visiting and part time living there.  I love high desert.  I love the mix of cultures, food and the wide open spaces.  My post trip depression hit hard and fast.  Don't get me wrong, I love the area I live in, but I've known for a long time it isn't mine.  It is home, but not


I have a few weeks remaining in summer to hit the last remaining projects that I want to finish.  As I work toward the start of a new school year and a new school experience, I'm keeping New Mexico in my heart.

Indeed it is magic.